Fast Forward
talent program by OBJECT Rotterdam and Gemeente Rotterdam (2022)
talent development program by Huis voor de Kunsten Limburg , (2021-2022)
De Beeldmakers (finalist)
Het Parool & VANDEJONG Creative Agency (2019)
Stichting Talentontwikkeling Creatieve Industrie Breda
grant for 'Greetings from ...' (2019)
Atelier prijs, AKV St. Joost
together with Iris Hagel (2018)
Zaterdagopleiding ArtEZ Arnhem (2013-2014)
Propedeuse ArtEZ Arnhem (2014 - 2015)
Minor Arts & Urbanism (2016-2017)
Internship TakeTwo Identity & Communication (Nijmegen, 2017-2018)
Bachelor AKV | St. Joost Breda (2015 - 2018)
Avans Ondernemingscursus (Breda, 2019)
KVK: 72462809
BTW: NL002409516B40
'In a world where everything is fast and fleeting, I would like to leave you standing still with my illustrations. I sketch colorful snapshots that evoke a nostalgic feeling to take you back to precious moments from the past, or to a universe where you would rather live now.'
Juul's work is feminist and often contains a critical look at existing structures in society in a playfull and bold manner, hoping to create connection between social groups.
Juul's designs are characterized by bright colors and clean lines. She is comfortable with both digital and analog techniques that she likes to combine such as screen printing, murals, digital drawing and photography. She has worked for a variety of clients, including restaurants, papers and stores.
Her work is easy to explore on Instagram at @juullit.
For inquiries you can mail to juullit@gmail.com
Vers Beton / Glamour Magazine / Eurobrouwers / Bar Alaska / Hutspot store / Funkie House / Pier15 Skatepark / De Grote Kunstkalender /
King Kong Hostel / Sweet Rebels Vintage / MUTO Amsterdam /
Publieke Werken Rotterdam / Cinerama Filmtheater
LBL-Communicatie en contentstrategie
Museumnacht Maastricht (Luthersekerk, 8 april 2022)
The Known Artist (Odapark Venray, juli 2022)
TINIMINI Gallery Offline Expo (Dordrecht 2022)
Bakeliet Window Exhibition (Rotterdam, 2022)
Galerie De Blauwe Dwaas December, Tilburg, 2021
ADE X Into The Woods x Klooiklup (NDSM werf, Amsterdam, 2021)
Publieke Werken Buitenexpositie (Rotterdam, 2021)
Groot Rotterdams Atelierweekend (Hillevliet, Rotterdam, 2021)
BLOSSOM (Hang 5, Rotterdam, 2020)
VPRO dorst Instagram Takeover (2020)
Publieke Werken Buitenexpositie (Rotterdam, 2020)
Nearly every thought leads to nothing (Wolfart Projectspace, Rotterdam, 2019)
Mantelzorgers gestript (Gemeentehuis 's Hertogenbosch, 2019)
Hop on Hop off festival (Breda, 2019)
Cultuurnacht Breda (Electron, 2018)
YA Present Dutch Design Week (Sectie-C, Eindhoven, 2018)
LAUNCH - AKV St. Joost Graduation show (AKV St. Joost, Breda, 2018)